Saturday, April 19, 2014

Think About It

Who does not believe that the Catholic Church would resort to espionage type tactics to infiltrate and if possible run any efforts among the pedophile priest victims, from the time we first began to emerge in the 1980s? Only one group knew there were hundreds of thousands of us back then, the American bishops, and so they got it all under control real fast.
ADDED April 26
And Kilroy shows up again
There in the beginning of the news clip is Barbara Blaine lighting a candle outside the Vatican. 
'nuff said.  No matter where the story breaks, there is Blaine or Clohessy doing some inane thing that tells you nothing about thousands of victims of pedophile priests. You'd think someone in the press would see how weird that is and dig a little but. . 
UPDATE: April 29 Every opportunity they have, they drop the ball. In front of international media, they never mention felony aiding and abetting committed by bishops. They never mention a hundred thousand victims of seven thousand known priests in the USA alone.  Instead it's, "the bishops never punished the priests," as in this week's reporting on two popes becoming saints. Everywhere, the person who is always on camera, Barbara Blaine, repeated that message, that the bishops were too nice to punish the priests.  
The U.S. Bishops Should Be Federally Indicted. 
But you never hear SNAP say anything that strong, 
and all you ever hear in the news speaking for us is SNAP. 
IS THERE A REPORTER OUT THERE with a soul who will write this story and expose this scam that was played on a hundred thousand pedophile priest crime victims in the USA and now they are probably going to do in Europe and the rest of the world?  Please!!!

More Drive-By Press Releases from SNAP

I live in this population of pedophile priest victims, about 80 percent men 20 percent women, all of us probably the most sexually dysfunctional people on Earth.  Among us we've lived horribly damaged lives, some are in prison because they became sexual predators themselves. But don't expect the Catholic Church to admit to any of the real damage they caused when they make another public apology about clergy abuse. 

You'll also never hear SNAP admit to how badly we are damaged or any details of the crimes committed by priests and bishops.  In fact, if you look closely at any press statement from SNAP about 80 percent of the time, the release could apply to any pedophile priest crime in any city.

One survivor friend describes it as, “When news breaks of another pedophile priest, David Clohessy drives by and throws press releases out the window.” And that's it.  That's about all SNAP does.

I'm sitting here on Good Saturday realizing once again I have to go through a holiday where everybody in the world is repeating Catholic lies, so I have to stay shut in and quiet to avoid arguments with my neighbors.

I go to my gmail where I have news alerts and in rolls Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests with about seven links to media around the world, then before I can set down my coffee cup, in rolls an equal amount of stories for David Clohessy, and I think, yep, even on Easter Weekend.  David’s doing more drive-by’s. 

What the press and everybody else doesn't realize is that's all SNAP does.  Oh, and also, make sure none of us do anything else.  That's SNAP. 

They're over there calling out, me- me, look at us, here here.  Don't look over there, just look at us.  Then they announce all the great stuff they're doing for "survivors, not victims, survivors," and Not One Reporter bothers to follow-up and see if any of it's true. 

Meanwhile, since starting City of Angels Blog in January 2007, I have had a very unique perspective, as in I Witnessed It Happening All Across the Country.

The year 2008 was amazing, jaw-dropping.  No matter where this story broke, from Alaska to Alabama, as soon as there was word that another pedophile priest had been revealed, within hours, Clohessy was on a plane, and on the scene, conducting. . . damage control.

That's all SNAP is. 

They show up, suck up all the names of survivors and press, then leave.  Locally we can't even find out who the other people were at our own press events.  SNAP takes the information and leaves. 

There is plenty of evidence of this massive betrayal of vulnerable people conducted by the Church through SNAP.  Writing blog stories, I discovered by accident dozens of examples of SNAP damage control, back in the years when CofA Blog was going strong, before SNAP managed to derail me.  

Dozens of victims across the country related their weird SNAP experiences to me as first person accounts, and I'm just one sick old lady with a blog.  Any reporter willing to risk his paycheck would follow up on this story, because anyone with a brain can see that a bunch of bishops aided and abetted thousands of pedophile priests, let them prey in American neighborhoods, and created hundreds of thousands of really screwed-up victims. 

And yet not one bishop went to prison, or even suffered a blemish on his reputation, outside of our small cloistered insulated group, people who have communicated through SNAP. 

Out there in the world, they do not know there are a hundred thousand victims and seven thousand verified pedophilepriests identified in the USA alone.

Because the church did this great job of damage control, usurping any grass roots movement among the victims, and keeping as little of the story from coming out as possible.

The bishops knew the victims wouldn't talk to them, so they created SNAP.

My words are my only asset, please click my PayPal button.


ADDED LATER: Oh and they work for civil SOL reform so victims with the most evidence and proof can be paid off and the crimes can remain secret. Sorry, folks, but that's why SNAP steers everyone they can find to lawyers, so they can shut us up. That's what the stream of lawsuits produced. More secrecy, more silence. 
It's my destiny to write this, even though it does mean I have to hide in the desert and be a hermit. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

WTF is SNAP doing now?

Why exaggerate when the truth is so bad itself? 
Like we could not find a legitimate argument, so we stretched out someone else's?  
Child molestation by priests is not torture. 
I see this latest UN filing by SNAP as playing right into the Vatican's hands, with a weak legal argument that hurts our cause. I hope I am wrong, but as always, I write here what I see and that is what I see.  A confounding, almost preposterous, stretch when there are hundreds of legitimate criminal charges that could be made against Catholic bishops. 

Shadow Report Prepared for 52nd Session of the UN Committee Against Torture in Connection with its Review of the Holy See

UNITED STATES Center for Constitutional Rights and Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Introduction = Naming is important. Pope John Paul II recognized as much when he observed that “[t]orture must be called by its proper name” upon the Holy See’s accession to the Convention Against Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.3

Again. SNAP does not speak for me or any victims I've talked to. I doubt they discussed this additional UN filing, or the first one, with any more than five survivors before taking these steps.  I don't see it as positive or accomplishing much.  It's bad PR, I can hear Donohoe and Pierre now. Torture? Sexual violence?  It's too big a stretch.  Plays right into the church attorneys' hands.  Bad move. 
This filing at the UN is not going to make pedophile priest victims look credible at all, it makes us look like we are grasping at straws, like we could not find a legitimate argument. 
-kay ebeling.  
I stand by what I see and read, not what someone tells me to see.
From their brief: 
There is no mention of acts that have resulted in an astonishing and incalculable amount of harm around the world – profound and lasting physical and mental suffering – with little to no accountability and access to redress

OMG have they ever seen victims of torture? They suffer from more than anxiety.  PLEASE You are hurting the cause more and more every day.  WHO THE FUCK PUT SNAP IN CHARGE OF THIS "MOVEMENT"?????
Yet nowhere in the Holy See’s Initial Report under the Convention (“Initial Report”) does it make any mention of the widespread and systemic rape and sexual violence committed by Catholic clergy against hundreds of thousands of children and vulnerable adults around the world.4

OH DAMN:  They just lost it for us. They are delegimizing genuine torture at the same time they delegitimize the pedophile priest molestations.  WTF!!!

Another botched opportunity brought to you by SNAP.  And we wonder why the pew Catholics haven't gotten it yet how bad these crimes were?  Look who's been in charge, or rather, look who put themselves in charge.  Or rather, who the F put them in charge? 

Read bk truth is they have not proven me wrong yet. 

Survivors of torture and violence end up dead.  SNAP here makes pedo-priest victims look like whiners and exaggerators.  
We don't need to exaggerate.  
Just show the truth in its real terms for cripes sake. 
The timing on this is TOo ConveNiEnt.  Friday the Pope makes an apology that is repeated every where EVERYWHERE over and over, as if it means something.  Sunday 60 minutes spends 20 minutes of its program salivating over the wonderful Pope so much it caused a nasal e-coli outbreak at CBS. Then Monday SNAP files a brief with the UN [What Happened to The Hague?] and makes the pedophile priest victims look like Idiots.  IS THIS A COINCIDENCE?????

THIS: Pope Francis Part One:
Is a product of the same PR machine that gave us SNAP
Come on, people, how much more obvious does this have to be?

The reason no bishops went to prison, the reason there is no real support for the hundreds of thousands of victims who SNAP claims to represent but never talks to, is SNAP is a hologram, created by the Church to control us.  We all trusted them and told them our stories, and SNAP took our stories and hid them from the world, never publishing any more than what has already been published.  What did SNAP do with all those other stories? 

Now the Vatican has not felt any pain over allowing thousands of priests to rape children.  
Go figure.  Hundreds of thousands of pedophile priest victims in the world and yet only 3 people ever get heard.  And they say things like "We are disappointed with the Vatican." 

After screwing up yet another effort that should have brought victory to the survivors, they take off for holidays in places like Paris.  

Wake up. 

Next Day Post Note:
SNAP has given our critics the hook for which they've been looking to hang pedophile priest victims, calling us exaggerators, fiction writers, etc. 

Only job you can molest children and not get fired is Catholic priest

Peter Isely: "The priesthood is the only profession where you can molest children and still keep your job." ( Watch the video  and read more at Huff Post. )

From Abuse Tracker today:

Report: Twin Cities archdiocese gave too much power to too few in handling sex abuse claims

MINNESOTA,  Daily Reporter THE ASSOCIATED PRESS  First Posted: April 14, 2014 MINNEAPOLIS — A task force examining the way the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis handled allegations of sexual abuse by priests says too much power was given to one or two people to decide how to handle claims.
The task force, which was commissioned by the archdiocese, recommended several changes Monday..

They are still finding pedophile priests:

16 months prison for priest charged in sexual assault

CANADA Quinte News Rene Labelle, a former Tyendinaga Township priest, is going to prison. Labelle was sentenced to 16 months prison and 30 months probation in a Kingston court room Monday. He will also be on the sex offender registry for 10 years and will have to complete counselling.  The parents of the victim called the incident an extreme breach of trust in their victim impact statement.
They said they witnessed a 180-degree change in their child after the incident on Wolfe Island in 2004

Another Southern California Perp priest:

Assignment Record – Rev. Thomas J. Naughton, s.j.

UNITED STATES Summary of Case: Thomas J. Naughton was ordained a priest of the Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus in 1965. He went on to work in high schools, parishes and retreat houses across the South, as part of the Jesuit's New Orleans Province, with a two-year stint in St. Louis, MO and a year in Berkeley, CA. In the mid-1990s he relocated to southern California where he worked as a visiting priest in a a Mission Viejo parish. 

More from Minnesota:

Report finds 'serious shortcomings' by archdiocese in protecting children from sex abuse

MINNESOTA Minnesota Public Radio Concentrated power, poor oversight and little communication with the faithful are among serious shortcomings inside the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis that opened the door "for some priests to harm children," a panel ordered by the archbishop said Monday.

Barbara Blaine is "disappointed."

Barbara Blaine decepcionada de que Papa Francisco haya permitido continuar a Legionarios

MEXICO Vanguardia [Summary: Barbara Blaine, founder of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said her organization is disappointed in the Vatican's response to a UN report on how the church handles sexual abuse allegations and is also disappointed that the pope did not take stronger measures against the Legion of Christ.]
México, D.F.- Barbara Blaine estaba a punto de cumplir 13 años cuando el sacerdote de su parroquia comenzó a abusar de ella. “Era verano”, dice hoy esta mujer que ronda los 58 natural de Toledo (Ohio) 

And we all go on wondering WTF.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Yes.  "Again. Another priest, another child, another ugly reminder that supposedly sacred values are situational for some who preach them, that our yardstick for character may be too straight for accurate measurement." (Continue Reading Here: CHRIS KELLY: Trust shattered again by charges against well-known Father Philip Altavilla Published: April 11, 2014,)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

This is what's happening

Kay Ebeling shared a linkabout an hour ago  More Weird Stuff - I lost my notes. This is third time I've worked on a story, turned computer off normal way and turned it back on and the Word file was gone. It's really weird, all three stories were CofA blog posts in progress. So either I am self destructing them in my sleep or some thing is in my computer or outside doing something. Now I may track all that research down and write it again, or I may not. . . sigh It's especially weird, bk all versions of the files are gone, there's no "original file" as in when computer crashes. One I had started writing last summer and was finishing. It disappeared. Other one I had just started and this morning it's disappeared too. What's a blogger to do. Maybe the Catholics haven't been lying, maybe it's. . . SATAN in my Computer keeping stories about pedophile priests from getting produced. Man, I wanted to link to Church Chat at YouTube but it is hard to find clips online, But I'm joking, I don't really think the devil is screwing with my computer. It is someone evil though... Those who've read this blog and kept in touch through Facebook (click name above) know this is not the first time "someone" has screwed with my computer, and my life, since I started doing this blog. Hmm, who could I be upsetting?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Archbishop draws small crowd at Mass of Atonement

Do they really think after all they did that we want to go to their Mass, or worse, that we believe their Mass will somehow take care of things?  Clueless bishop sticks his feet in the face of the rest of us there lying prostrate in front of the altar*, as if that helps anything.  Get Up And Do Something, Bishop L, something besides Praying for us. I truly do not believe Your prayers have any value at all.  Do Something REAL!!!
Victims of clergy sex abuse protest outside Mass of Atonement
WISCONSIN WISN [with video]
MEQUON, Wis. —Some victims of sex abuse at the hands of religious clergy attended the Mass of Atonement at Lumen Christi Parish in Mequon on Tuesday. Some joined church leaders in prayer while others protested. Those who protested outside were invited to participated in the Mass, but said they wanted no part of it...
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:39 AM
I had to laugh. Footage in report shows all the empty seats in the church.  Suppose they held a Mass of Atonement and nobody came.  Sorry, but these guys are so clueless. He's prostate in front of an altar in a purple dress, I mean... seriously?
*In this same time period Milwaukee diocese works with lawyers to cut 80 percent of the plaintiffs out of final settlement after dragging the cases out through a bankruptcy that's lasted more than three years.
AARGH I need to get back to work on Faster
Another out-of-state Catholic priest living at the Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer is in the news. Lawyers for Fr. Richard McCormick, who is accused of raping two Massachusettes minors, were in court this week arguing that the charges against him should be tossed out because they violate the cleric’s freedom of religion. A ruling is pending. The center is described as a “retreat” for accused and convicted pedophile priests.

From Berger's Beat, St. Louis MO

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 19: International memory day for Catholic sexual abuse survivors

Nunatsiaq Online
In order to never forget the suffering, the dying and seeking for recognition and resurrection, the victims and survivors of sexual abuse and abuse of power by the Roman Catholic Church commemorate this year on Silent Saturday at 3 p.m.
They light a candle at home or wherever they are, not for themselves, but for fellow sufferers, locally and around the world.
This year, Silent Saturday falls on April 19.
Individuals or groups wishing to join this action put a burning candle in a symbolic place, or in their church next to the 13th station of the Way of the Cross, with the text “Esse est percipi, to be is being perceived, survivors of sexual abuse in the Catholic church.”
For more information or to inform us that you want to participate in this action, as a group or as a church congregation, please contact us at:
International initiative, Memory Day for survivors of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church:
Rik Devillé

Friday, April 4, 2014

Church more concerned with gays than pedophiles

One of first actions by Pope against clergy sex abuse is to go after one gay bishop in Scotland, rather than deal with ten thousand (10,000) pedophile priests in the USA and dozens of U.S. bishops who aided and enabled the priests. 

Vatican appoints Bishop Scicluna to investigate clergy sexual misconduct in Scotland

Malta Independent
The Vatican has appointed Bishop Charles Scicluna to take testimony of clergy alleging sexual misconduct in Scotland's archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, where Cardinal Keith O'Brien was archbishop until resigning under disgrace in February 2013, The National Catholic Reporter repo

Vatican: chief sex crimes prosecutor will probe Keith O'Brien

Glasgow Evening Times
Maltese Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna, who has being investigating clerical abuse for a decade, will visit Scotland next week to take testimonies from those with information about sexual misconduct surrounding the Cardinal. Wider allegations will also be investigated.  In a letter to clergy in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Cardinal O'Brien's successor Archbishop Leo Cushley said Bishop Scicluna would "listen to and report the testimony offered by past and present members of the clergy ... concerning any incidents of sexual misconduct committed against them by other members of the clergy whomsoever".

Pathetic -ke 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dear Readers, 
I really need PayPal clicks.  Please put some High Fives ($5's) on my PayPal to support this work.  
Thank You!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keep up at Abuse Tracker 
More posts coming by Kay Ebeling soon