Monday, August 19, 2019

If only Catholic Church would practice what it preaches

If the Church just Confessed, made an act of Contrition and paid a real penance to the world for its astounding number of pedophile priests, then I'd feel much better about them. Instead the bishops on down ignore this basic facet of their own religion. 
Very revealing

"Beset by clergy abuse claims, New Orleans Archbishop hopeful church can 'heal' and is 'being renewed"

“It’s one cross, but we’re all carrying it,” [Aymond] said, likening the church and the abuse crisis to Jesus Christ and his path to crucifixion. “There is hope in resurrection.” ' 

NO. Not if you don't repent first. Your Own Church teaches that. Yet you want to go forward as if nothing happened. 

The church acted NOTHING like Jesus Christ in its response to pedophile priest victims, how dare Aymond make that comparison. There is no humility remorse or guilt here or in any other statement made by the Church in fifty years about this issue.  

Dear Catholic Bishop: Just admit what you all did and stop trying to cover it up and talking about it with buzz words and euphemisms. Hundreds of thousands of children got raped on Catholic Church properties last 75 years and the church has yet to admit that it allowed this horrible thing to happen, and instead works hard to keep at least its own parishioners from finding out the truth.
Click above and start reading to find out the truth. 