Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Two Popes on Netflix and whitewash of thousands of sex crimes against children continues

It's my job. I'm working on press kit for The Two Popes now, where great actors and production crews pay homage and deliver lustful adoration to the Vatican... 
The whitewash continues. Harvey Weinstein gets more shocked outraged news coverage than 10,000 pedophile priests in the US media bk, you know, chicks... 
I am very incorrect politically but I think Ronan Farrow is no journalist, and adult women in Hollywood who think they are not going to get sexually approached while working in films should move to Des Moines. Female producers harass men and young women too. It's called Sexual Attraction between attractive people. Adults. 
More than six thousand priests raped Hundreds of Thousands of CHILDREN and I do not remember anyone in the press being as angry as they are now about Harvey Weinstein. 
Plus: The Two Popes starring Anthony Hopkins as Benedict is coming soon to Netflix. 
So I'll know more about the upcoming papal internet series than I'll want to know, tonight I'm working on interview with a set designer, a guy with an Italian accent who sounds like he's Praying out and Calling to God as he answers design questions. For a TV show.  

Friday, October 11, 2019

They Invented Confession yet

The whole idea of Confession and doing penance and then being forgiven is rooted in the Catholic Church yet from Vatican down no church spokesperson has ever really admitted what they let happen to hundreds of thousands of children and the torturous battle they put victims through to cover up their crimes.
Where is the Confession?
When are the Bishops and archdioceses going to serve Penance?
I know I'm repeating myself, I wrote it a few days ago here
bk this concept keeps running through my head.
Christians everywhere talk about this concept of Forgiving the perpetrator, forgive your enemy, but the very persons who started that propaganda did not confess their own sins or serve penance in the worst crimes against children by clergy in history.
It just makes me... wonder about Everything that is labeled Christian. All of it is rooted Constantine taking back Rome around the year 300 then monks in the Vatican gathering writings and calling it a Bible.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I have to move again bk I'm surrounded by catholic red staters

I forgot and let it slip that I'm a pedophile priest victim to a neighbor here and showed her City of Angels blog. Within days people in the lobby here in Tahoe Senior Plaza were turning their backs on me and there have been a couple of incidents that leave me so uncomfortable that I am looking to move again. I forgot that this happened in Chicago and Lancaster. As soon as people find out about my blog, a simmering undercurrent of hatred and animosity is aimed at me, bk there are people out there so uninformed- misinformed- about why all of us came forward. 
-sigh, longing for stability but accepting that I'll never know it

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Pedophile priests turned loose on society after taken out of ministry for being pedophile priests

I wrote on this here at CofA Blog 10+ years ago, mainstream news finally noticed: "Nearly 1,700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living under the radar with little to no oversight from religious authorities or law enforcement, decades after the first wave of the church abuse scandal roiled U.S. dioceses, an Associated Press investigation has found. These priests, deacons, monks and lay people now teach middle-school math. They counsel survivors of sexual assault. They work as nurses and volunteer at nonprofits aimed at helping at-risk kids. They live next to playgrounds and day care centers. They foster and care for children."
In Trump land, this story will go unnoticed. CofA Blog was quashed years ago and I'm too swamped at work or I'd write more on it now anyway.... Somewhere in these pages are stories I wrote in 2008-09 on this same subject... priests turned loose on society after being taken out of ministry for molesting children:

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Nearly 1,700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living under the radar with little to no oversight from religious...

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Confession and Coverup

Trickle-Down Morality is what we all live with now, coming from the top, the Vatican. As after Catholic Church engaged in global coverup of pedophile priest crimes for decades, they set the tone for the world.
I mean they are the guys who invented Confession and Penance.
Just not for them.