Tuesday, December 24, 2019

While TV producers waste time on housewives and serial killers

I'd like to see a TV series where an investigative group goes out and finds all the perp priests that got "fired" from the church and are now in our communities such as George B. McFadden:
Jul 13, 2003 - George McFadden, 79, said that he has no formal ties with the Fort Wayne-South Bend Roman Catholic Diocese and moved to Indiana to be ...
and George Neville Rucker
Jul 29, 2019 - (AP) — The visiting priests arrived discreetly, day and night. ... When a serial pedophile was sent to jail for abusing dozens of minors, .... of the Canon Law Society of America and an early Opus Bono adviser, records show.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Anyone seen The Two Popes?

Anyone seen "The Two Popes"? I can't watch, in fact a reason I'm canceling Netflix is they keep shoving the preview in my face and trying to take me to The Two Popes after other shows. I bet it is just PR for the Vatican saying 'These bishops and all are just nice guys like the rest of us, innocent, childlike, unable to do any wrong.'
so wondered if anyone else did watch, so they can tell me, do The Two Celebrity Popes even Mention The Pedophiles they protected in this Innocent Church trope?
Kay Ebeling