Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dang, I left out most important part

UPDATE on Cardinal's Mansion post:
DANG< I left out the most important part (updating April 15 story on April 24).  I did not know about the cardinal's mansion before six months ago.  In the dead of winter, I dug into a pile of books and in one was a description of the mansion where Cardinal Stritch lived, at the corner of North and North State Parkway.  SO THEN in November or so of 2012 I google mapped the location and went down to street view and THEN saw the house.  It then took me five more months to get here, as that's how I move.  By then I had forgotten the importance of finding out about the mansion for the first time in a book (An Alley in Chicago).  So anyway, the reason this post is called "in construction" is I put it up mainly to get the videos posted in case I drop dead or something.  But there is more of this story coming soon. kay- in chicago five more weeks)
It took me a while but I found it:
As soon as I saw the building on Google Maps, I knew this is where I was taken in 1955, and told sternly by the bishop to ...

Referring to this story on April 15)

Preview: Proof My Story Happened

This post is in construction

The post was just a preview, still I wish I'd stop making so many mistakes
Read whole thing at:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Catholic bishops run criminal org, not church -Gov. Keating 2003 quote

“To resist grand jury subpoenas, to suppress the names of offending clerics, to deny, to obfuscate, to explain away; that is the model of a criminal organization, not my church.”  Gov. Frank Keating in 2003 about resigning from the National Review Board of child sex crimes by Catholic priests. 

If only that dang priest had kept his hands in his cassock

Fr. T.B. Horne, Bartlett IL, 1953
The pedophile priest put a new dynamic in the whole family.  When Father Horne diddled my mom, my sister, and me, it was indeed sexual assault that should have been prosecuted. 

But also that pedophile priest’s crime interfered with the Darma, it was an abutting and redirecting of the destiny of everyone who was an Ebeling in Chicago in the early 1950s and some of our neighbors as well.

It affected every relationship in my family, even with aunts and cousins who had nothing to do with Father Horne.  A pedophile priest touching two little girls and making them sexually confused from the time they were age six was a dynamic in our family, and in the lives of my sister and me, that otherwise would not have been there.

If only that dang priest had kept his hands in his cassock,

-kay ebeling 

Friday, April 19, 2013

To my PayPal clickers

I cannot thank you enough. 

I posted I needed help and about 20 people came forward, clicked my PayPal and helped me through that crisis.  Now I will get home to L.A. in June without fear of becoming homeless in the process.  

Every high $5 helps. 

Gracias muchas gracias

-kay ebeling

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Royal Commission coverage on Press TV, comprehensive

Iranian TV sums it up

. . Best journalism in the world comes from Iran (Press TV) and Al Jazeera right now. This report is more than I've seen anywhere in the USA, for example. . ke

Monday, April 15, 2013

Another petition re pedophile priest coverups, this one re SOL

another one

Join Petition to Eliminate Laws that Protect Pedophile Priests and ...
The Vatican and its pedophile priests have been able to escape jail time for sexual crimes against children since they use the law to their advantage - hiding ...

"The Vatican and its pedophile priests have been able to escape jail time for sexual crimes against children since they use the law to their advantage - hiding behind Statue of Limitations for Sex Crimes which on average is about 3-6 years...meaning that if a sexual abuse crime is not reported by the victim within those 3 years of the time it took place, then these crimes have “expired” and they can not be taken to court. Now consider this. Let’s say a victim is raped at 11 years old by a priest. Most of t/// " . . .

Ridley Scott, The Vatican, and NY Bishop 'Duffy'

Just sharing what I get in my Google News box:

"The Vatican' movie's central character is a New York archbishop, Cardinal Thomas Duffy, played by Kyle Chandler.
The cast also includes Anna Friel as Cardinal Duffy's sister, and singer Rebecca Ferguson.
Other scenes in Scott's thriller are being shot outside Rome's top appeals court on the banks of the Tiber and in the world-famous Via Veneto, immortalised in Federico Fellini's iconic film 'La Dolce Vita'.
However, Scott was reportedly denied permission to film inside the Vatican walls."
Read More:
Here are other stories at CofA Blog about Ridley Scott's, The Vatican coming on Showtime

Preview: Proof My Story Happened

This post is in construction

DANG< I left out the most important part (updating this on April 24).  I did not know about the cardinal's mansion before six months ago.  In the dead of winter, I dug into a pile of books and in one was a description of the mansion where Cardinal Stritch live, at the corner of North and North State Parkway.  SO THEN in November or so of 2012 I google mapped the location and went down to street view and THEN saw the house.  It then took me five more months to get here, as that's how I move.  By then I had forgotten the importance of finding out about the mansion for the first time in a book (An Alley in Chicago).  So anyway, the reason this post is called "in construction" is I put it up mainly to get the videos posted in case I drop dead or something.  But there is more of this story coming soon. kay- in chicago five more weeks)
It took me a while but I found it:
As soon as I saw the building on Google Maps, I knew this is where I was taken in 1955, and told sternly by the bishop to "stop babbling" about what Father Horne did to me.  How could I have known about the floor to ceiling windows at the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago back in 2006 when I first wrote about it from L.A., if I had not been taken there as a little girl? 

After being scolded by the bishop to stop talking about it- much like Tommy in the Who Rock Opera ("You didn't see it, you didn't hear it. You won't say nothing to no one ever in your life")- I did not mention being molested by Father Horne again for forty years.  Then  I started City of Angels Blog:


Video below is when I first saw it in person and I was breathless.

As soon as I saw the building on Google Maps, I knew I'd been taken in that building, probably the N. State Parkway (State St.) entrance of the Cardinal's mansion,  to one of those rooms with those windows, and scolded by the bishop.  How could I have known about the floor to ceiling windows all the times I've written about this memory, if I had not been taken there at age seven, and told by Cardinal Stritch to stop telling people what Father Horne did to me? (NOTE: We moved to California by the time I was eight. I never saw the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago again after that.)


I know this proof is not Earth Shaking, I am working on more.


As Soon as I saw it on Google Maps, I knew.  This is the building I was taken to at age seven in 1955 and told by Cardinal Stritch to "stop babbling" about what Father Thomas Barry Horne of St. Peter Damian Church in Bartlett did to me.

And I did not talk about it again for forty years.

More to come soon

-kay ebeling

There are some spooky creepy views of the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago:


Friday, April 12, 2013

I Want To Go Down Under!

Posted on Facebook today, friend me here. Kay Ebeling
Wish I lived in Australia:
"The federal government has agreed to pay for counselling and other services to support the victims and their families as they prepare to give evidence."
Could never happen here.  Activist, supportive government, FEDERAL INQUIRY I want to go Down Under
More from Telegraph article:

Victims get $44m boost for hearings

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"VICTIMS of institutionalised child sex abuse have been thrown a $44 million lifeline to help them reveal their ordeals to the royal commission.
"Commissioners will be taking testimony in secret from victims around the country for the next five months before the commission holds its first public investigations."
Read total article here at Daily Telegraph.

Bishop Accountability Debunks Media Report

David Pierre keeps grasping at straws at his Media Report site, looking for a story about corruption, when a real one is right under his nose.  Here Bishop Accountability responds to his false claims:

Regarding: EXPOSED [Part II]: Broadcasting Rumor and Innuendo to Trample the Innocent and the Dead
[Note that is not alone in listing Muth, Haran, Lane, and O’Donovan. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles includes Haran on its list of accused priests
Los Angeles Archdiocese
and the Archdiocese of Boston includes Lane and O’Donovan on its list
Archdiocese of Boston
The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph commissioned a report that includes a discussion of Muth’s case, including Bishop Finn’s decision to remove Muth’s faculties
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph via]

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Telling the truth is revolutionary re pedophile Catholic priests

"In a a time of universal deceit, 
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell

US AG: Prosecute Church for Pedophile Coverup: (Sign Petition Here)

"AG of the United States should prosecute those who covered up child rapes in the Roman Catholic Church" 
reads a petition at AAVAZ dot org Community Petitions.

"To U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder: It is time that you do something about the Cardinals and Bishops who knowingly moved known pedophile priests from parish to parish, state to state and hid these rapists of children to avoid prosecution for the m. There is ample evidence that Cardinals Timothy Dolan, Roger Mahony, Bernard Law and others covered up these rapes of children by their priests. It is time to show these people simply because they are of a religious organization, they are not above the laws of the United States. They have committed numerous crimes against the Federal statues and it is you duty as U.S. Attorney General to do something about this. We demand you immediately convene a Federal Grand Jury, investigate this matter… 

One thing you can always do is sign a petition, then go out for ice cream. 

Link to Petition  

More from the petition website: 
Why this is important 
There is absolute, irrefutable proof, that Cardinals like Timothy Dolan, Roger Mahony, Justin Rigali, Bernard Law, and many, many other Cardinals and Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church knew about the children being raped in their parishes by priests and did nothing but moved these priests around, without warning the communities they moved them into, and then they raped even more children. They feel they are above the law. This is a crime punishable by Federal Laws.
18 U.S.C. § 2241 - Aggravated sexual abuse 
18 U.S.C. § 2242– Sexual abuse
18 U.S.C. § 2243– Sexual abuse of a minor or ward 
18 U.S.C. § 2244– Abusive sexual contact
It is time to show the Cardinals and Bishops they are not above the laws of the United States and they should never escape prosecution for their crimes simply because they are from a religious organization.
CofA Blog will be publishing original content again this summer.

Petition link HTML:

Posted by Kay Ebeling

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Porn Downloads at Vatican Found

Ain't making this up Torrent Freak accidentally found it: 
Porn downloaded at the Vatican, US website claims

Pornographic websites featuring sadomasochism, transsexuals and bondage have been downloaded within the Vatican, it has been claimed.

"Somebody within the tiny city state has a taste for X-rated films and websites featuring adult entertainment stars such as Tiffany Starr, who promises "some of the hottest transsexual porn" on the internet."

-kay ebeling

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Demanding Docs among first acts of Royal Comm in Australia

Update on inquiry into Child Sex Abuse coverups by churches and other institutions in Australia now:

"They have already been active: meeting advocacy groups and police, demanding documents"


"hiring staff, following up previous inquiries, setting up a research arm and more, while planning how to proceed.  The decision to begin with five months of private hearings, in neutral locations before one or two commissioners at a time, might seem a slow start but it is the opposite."

Read More at The Age of Australia 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Pope UN World Court Trial? With Same Crime MO in Every City, Pedophile Coverup Had to be Run by Bishops at the Top

Gearing up to put CofA Blog back in action this summer, found post from April 2010 about a UN investigation of The Pope and Vatican regarding pedophile priests:

First published April 15, 2010 on AlterNet
Maltese survivor 2010 

While mainstream media focus on the Vatican gay comment last week, a UN Jurist has been saying since April 10th that an International Criminal Court investigation is the only way to resolve the Vatican sex crime crisis.   I doubt it’s an accident that the comment from the Vatican blaming gay priests for the epidemic of pedophiles in the Catholic Church came just as world attention was focusing on decades of sex crime coverups, after the four years I’ve observed Church manipulation of news and justice on this issue.  Now the story dominating the media is that inane quote blaming gays that even the Vatican denies now. 
More newsworthy is the call for a United Nations World Criminal Court investigation of the Pope that got drowned out in the media by the outcry over the Vatican claiming the pedophile problem has something to do with gay priests.
The Vatican has to be the source of these coverups.
How else would every city in the world have the same patterns or criminal Modus Operandi, as the crimes were carried out in each diocese?  Geoffrey Robinson, British UN Jurist, calls for an international criminal investigation of the Pope and the highest level of church hierarchy because their crimes resulted in at least a hundred of thousand adult victims of pedophile priests alive in the world today.  Figure, six thousand priests found so far in the United States, times ten victims average for each perpetrator, there are sixty thousand adult victims right now in the United States alone.
This was a holocaust against children.
At least a hundred thousand adult victims are alive today
Read some of the coverage:
U.N. Jurist Calls for Pope to be Tried in International Court 
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Matt Cover, Staff Writer
( – A United Nations jurist and former war crimes judge has called for the “full weight” of international law to be brought against Pope Benedict XVI because of sexual abuse cases involving some Catholic priests, calling into question the Vatican’s claim that the pope is immune from legal proceedings because he is a head of state…  Read the story at CNS
Pope Benedict XVI and the church pedophile scandal: Q&A with David Gibson 
The Star-Ledger – (blog) – ‎Apr 13, 2010‎
By any objective standard the church has grossly violated the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for decades. Is it time to formalize those violations …
UN judge calls for prosecution of Pope Benedict Raw Story: “Geoffrey Robertson, a renowned human rights lawyer and United Nations jurist, wants to see Pope Benedict put on trial for allegedly protecting predator priests. In a Guardian UK piece making its rounds this week in Catholic circles, Robertson demanded the pope be “put in the dock.”
Vatican does not deserve UN status‎ – Daily Pioneer: “, it may be appropriate to seek a review of the unique status the Roman Catholic Church enjoys at the United Nations. The Vatican slipped into the UN in the guise of the Holy See, the Government of the Roman Catholic Church, and sits on that august body as a Non-member State Permanent Observer.”
The pope should stand trial 
The Guardian – ‎Apr 13, 2010‎
“”The young age of the petitioner” refers to Kiesle, then aged 38, not the age of any of the boys he tied up and raped (11 and 13). It is completely clear that, together with a nod to the welfare of the “young” priest, Ratzinger’s primary concern, and the reason he refused to unfrock Kiesle (who went on to re-offend) was “the good of the universal church.”  This pattern of putting church PR over and above the welfare of the children in its care (and what an understatement that is) is repeated over and over again in the cover-ups that are now coming to light, all over the world.
“We are serious. It should be for a court to decide – a civil court, not a whitewashing ecclesiastical court – whether the case against Ratzinger is as damning as it looks. If he is innocent, let him have the opportunity to demonstrate it in court. If he is guilty, let him face justice. Just like anybody else.”

The keyword is Law. Ever since the church gave refuge to Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston to spare him the inconvenience of answering questions under oath, it has invited the metastasis of this horror. And now the tumour has turned up just where you might have expected — moving from the bosom to the very head of the church. And by what power or right is the fugitive cardinal shielded? Only by the original agreement between Benito Mussolini and the papacy that created the pseudo-state of Vatican City in the Lateran Treaty of 1929. This would be bad enough, except that it’s now possible that Ratzinger himself may be held personally, as well as institutionally, responsible for obstructing justice and protecting and enabling pederasts.  Contiued: Hitchens: Pope shouldn’t decide criminality Calgary Herald – by Christopher Hitchens.
UN Judge Says Pope Should be Prosecuted at International Criminal …
By By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. , Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
“Robertson insisted that the International Criminal Court could be used as long as the Pope’s sovereign immunity was waived and as long as jurists can show that the sex abuse scandal was carried out on a “widespread or systematic scale,” the way that child soldiers were used in the wars in Sierra Leone and the way that sex slaves are traded internationally.”
Posted by Kay Ebeling, Producer, The City of Angels Is Everywhere  
Where you can read this post where it was developed
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
First published at my now defunct AlterNet Soap Box page in April 2010 when I was still holding out hope. . . 
More TK