Monday, April 15, 2013

Preview: Proof My Story Happened

This post is in construction

DANG< I left out the most important part (updating this on April 24).  I did not know about the cardinal's mansion before six months ago.  In the dead of winter, I dug into a pile of books and in one was a description of the mansion where Cardinal Stritch live, at the corner of North and North State Parkway.  SO THEN in November or so of 2012 I google mapped the location and went down to street view and THEN saw the house.  It then took me five more months to get here, as that's how I move.  By then I had forgotten the importance of finding out about the mansion for the first time in a book (An Alley in Chicago).  So anyway, the reason this post is called "in construction" is I put it up mainly to get the videos posted in case I drop dead or something.  But there is more of this story coming soon. kay- in chicago five more weeks)
It took me a while but I found it:
As soon as I saw the building on Google Maps, I knew this is where I was taken in 1955, and told sternly by the bishop to "stop babbling" about what Father Horne did to me.  How could I have known about the floor to ceiling windows at the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago back in 2006 when I first wrote about it from L.A., if I had not been taken there as a little girl? 

After being scolded by the bishop to stop talking about it- much like Tommy in the Who Rock Opera ("You didn't see it, you didn't hear it. You won't say nothing to no one ever in your life")- I did not mention being molested by Father Horne again for forty years.  Then  I started City of Angels Blog:


Video below is when I first saw it in person and I was breathless.

As soon as I saw the building on Google Maps, I knew I'd been taken in that building, probably the N. State Parkway (State St.) entrance of the Cardinal's mansion,  to one of those rooms with those windows, and scolded by the bishop.  How could I have known about the floor to ceiling windows all the times I've written about this memory, if I had not been taken there at age seven, and told by Cardinal Stritch to stop telling people what Father Horne did to me? (NOTE: We moved to California by the time I was eight. I never saw the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago again after that.)


I know this proof is not Earth Shaking, I am working on more.


As Soon as I saw it on Google Maps, I knew.  This is the building I was taken to at age seven in 1955 and told by Cardinal Stritch to "stop babbling" about what Father Thomas Barry Horne of St. Peter Damian Church in Bartlett did to me.

And I did not talk about it again for forty years.

More to come soon

-kay ebeling

There are some spooky creepy views of the Cardinal's Mansion in Chicago:


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