Saturday, December 21, 2013

Royal Commission: Current Status (Australia)

You can see ploys behind the scenes by reading these comments from my Facebook News Feed about the Royal Commission in Australia :

Like ·  ·  · December 19 at 2:03am · 
  • 3 people like this.
  • Huffnpuff Brown-Forgotten Australian the lawyer asking for these documents is the Government Lawyer yet this is the same law firm who they protected the abusers of the government institutions , so they want letters from the churches about abuse that happened within the churches , but when taking the department of community welfare through the court system these are the same law firm that defended the state of new south wales Government who protected the childrens home where rape and abuse took place and stated in a court case of which was mine the records or log books were either destroyed by fire , flood or misplaced , and thats crap the state government won't even hand over records because its too damning for the the state of new south wales government and their childrens homes , just like the catholic church covering up about the pedophile ring that was working out of newcastle and where they were meeting at a certain place in Gateshead of which the house was owned by a priest of which i gave documents of to the royal commission , as i lived at the house when i was a child and was continually made to do sexual acts for these pedophiles that came to the house regularly every weekend , so who f,,,,, is going to make all these pedophiles get charged , cause the church are protecting the pedophiles of the churches and the government are protect5ing the pedophiles of the government childrens homes i feel so raped all over again by the whole lot of them the churches and the government .
  • Michele Torr-Greaves No-one should be granted immunity. They never showed any regard whatsoever for the children. It is time to pay for their crimes. Anything less would be a farse of the RC
  • Pamela Toni Peters I cant understand why Turton is not being charged TODAY for his part in cover -ups along with many others ? Huffnpuff Brown & John Brown - i hope for everyones sake this RC is not an exercise where they are 'being seen to do something' and that it hasvery meaningful outcomes... Rather than just pointless recommendations our 'good catholic PM' wont just throw in the rubbish pile - i want to see people charged and jailed for withholding evidence, failing to report, and for being accessories after the fact, as well as jail for those offenders still alive, Be they within church or State ... Just penalties should be barred from none!!!

Posted By Kay Ebeling
Merry Christmas
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