Thursday, September 17, 2015

Screwed by pedophile priest, screwed by justice system, screwed by false support organization

These were felonies, child sex crimes using the advantage of being a Catholic priest to get to the victims. Court documents show that monsignors, bishops, and nuns  in almost every American city aided and abetted the crimes, many of which crossed state lines. Yet SNAP will hold press events next week saying the Pope and church need to "protect kids." I expect few words harsher or more emphatic than that during the Francis visit, in fact I doubt they will say anything they have not said for last 20 years. I hope I'm wrong but... show it to me if I am. I expect the minimum to be done by this questionable organization that runs itself as secretly as the church, no more than they need to do to continue to have credibility. I don't expect to hear anyone at next week's demonstrations mention prosecuting bishops, bk those paid spokespersons really do seem to work for the church from the top down, in a very sinister way. Apologies to those this offends but i speak from experience.Some people sleep, I blog, bk this shit keeps me up nights. SNAP will, like they did during last Pope visit, take center stage and grab the mic as much as possible, and then do nothing with it. 

UPDATE Sept 19

PA--Victims to leaflet Catholic church

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Victims to leaflet at Catholic church
They challenge pope to demote bishops
SNAP: “Church officials refuse to do aggressive outreach”
So group asks parishioners to “search for wounded survivors”
“Pope talks about families while abuse crisis devastates them,” SNAP says
On the cusp of Pope Francis’ first-ever visit to the US, as parishioners leave mass, abuse victims will hand out fliers to church goers. The leaflets urge Pennsylvania Catholic officials to
--disclose the names, photos and whereabouts of all proven, admitted or credibly accused predator priests and
--aggressively seek out and help their victims
The fliers also urge Catholic church members to
--question loved ones about these child molesting clerics (“Did any of these clerics ever hurt you?”) and
--beg relatives of victims to come forward get help, call the police, expose predators and protect kids
--prod anyone who has “seen, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes of cover ups to call law enforcement.”

There it is, 5-6 people outside a church leafleting for the Pope to "demote bishops" and "protect kids"

After a hundred thousand sex crimes against children aided and abetted by bishops in nearly every city, this is what our "advocates" do when they have a chance to do something.  As little as possible.while still claiming to be a support organization.  

They had two years to prepare. They have all the contact information of participants and press that they took home with them from every town and now will only let two people at the top access.  And this is what the "survivors' presence" at the Pope visit will be. Same ineffective leafleting of a handful of people that they do on any given Sunday. 

When will some media organization investigate this SCAM that was put over on the pedophile priest victims, this fake organization that was superimposed on a growing activist movement in the nineties with the sole purpose of preventing us from accomplishing anything. 

UPDATE Sept 21
Whoop de dooh they held a press conference on the steps of the UN, with maybe three participants.  How unique and original, how inclusive. how much of a fucking sham SNAP is. They must have spent five minutes putting it together and most of that was spent on their travel and hotel reservations for their event. 
no wonder so many victims are at home sick these days. 
Four days after this post, Clohessy, who is pretty much all SNAP is, a man writing press releases in his basement like Oz himself running damage control, published this in the do it yourself blog section of the Washington Times. calling for a Congressional investigation.  With a hundred thousand victims chomping at the bit to make some kind of stand, I am not impressed. Anyone can get a story published on the WT blog site. Somehow it seems like Clohessy wrote this editorial bk of the several hundred clicks this post at CofA Blog has gotten. . . he had to do something, so he did as little as possible to still retain credibility.  WHERE IS THE VOICE OF ALL THE OTHER VICTIMS? Clohessy is SO Fucking Tame, he does not communicate our rage, yet he and Blaine always manage to be the only ones whose voices we hear, so no one ever hears the rage. 
It's not enough. Clohessy's little editorial DOES NOT reveal a hundred thousand pedophile priest victims.  They never do more than the absolute minimal and they NEVER involve anyone besides the three people who run SNAP. That Is Suspicious. Why arent ALL OF US in philly washington and new york this week. WHy is it Always the same three people who get heard and almost no one else?????
THat Is Suspicious!!!!! 
how hard would it have been in last two years to raise money and organize a real protest with a visible presence at these Papal events? That's what a real national advocacy group would have done. 
And we can't do it on our own, bk SNAP always shows up and takes things over, goes back to St. Louis with all the contact information, and then pretends the local survivors are not even there. 
WHERE IS A REPORTER who will investigate these people so the True Story will come out, including the depth and breadth of the pedophile priest crisis. Bk SNAP has kept a stopper on that bottle for more than twenty years and the victims are down here suffocating. 
All our stories are in boxes in Clohessy's basement being kept secret. 
In this editorial, Clohessy does not mention the opportunity that Eric Holder dropped in 2010 to actually prosecute the bishops, he makes vague reference to overseas responses without specifically saying the Australian Royal Commission is still going on, and, he asks the U.S. Congress to hold hearings.  Congress, another purposely inept institution.  
Again, SNAP does as little as it can to still be believed, and never does anything more than the bare minimum, Always leaves out the most important things. 
Plus, I say it here, and it comes out of SNAP's mouth a couple days later. They finally use the number "hundred thousand victims" in their press statement. But do they ever acknowledge my work? No. I'm not part of the PR plan the church worked out twenty five years ago. 
I think I'm pushing them to say more with this blog. Wish I could afford to go out to lunch sometimes. 

Kay Ebeling
Producer, City of Angels Blog
Not just L.A., the City of Angels Is Everywhere.

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