Wednesday, February 17, 2016

on again off again progress

FINALLY yesterday I shared at my Anger Management group that I'm a pedophile priest victim and that is the source of my anger as well as everything that is messed up in my life. Yes, it did result in The Big Thud coming over the room as described in the post linked below from April 2014. My first thought was, now everyone hates me, but instead two different people there told me they or a family member was also molested by a priest. They're everywhere they're everywhere. So, I may be able to continue living here, in spite of the fact my secret is out. Hope so, I like it here 

After being raped at age five by Father Horne(y), I just kept going faster and faster for next 40 years. With my kind of PTSD, you never stop to see what caused the Frenzy…
here's how I spent my Valentine's Sunday, flash mob for 1 Billion Rising to end violence and abuse against women and children, at Heavenly Village in South Lake Tahoe, yay, one year ago today I was packing and hiding from my neighbors down in Lancaster. Wow Am I Ever Doing Better and so glad I moved to Tahoe what a Great Bunch of People!!!! PS I am the one off to the side in a purple coat, leaning on a cane (bk the PTSD I live with as a sex crime victim has destroyed nerve endings in my extremities). I'm holding a sign that says "Stop Sexual Abuse" which is, as my FB friends know, an issue with me. . .‪#‎rise4revolution‬ ‪#‎1billionrising‬ ‪#‎sltflashmob‬

Kay Ebeling commented on an article.
The pattern of crimes described in Spotlight the Movie is the same in every archdiocese in the world, suggesting collusion and coverup at the highest level in the Catholic Church. For proof, read stories of pedophile priests and their victims at City of Angels Blog by Kay Ebeling, a journalist who is also one of hundreds of thousands of survivors of these crimes in the USA alone.…/pedophile-priest-true-…

Oscar contenders "Spotlight" and "The Big Short" won the top awards for screenwriting from the Writers Guild of America at a ceremony Saturday that was held in Los…

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