Monday, August 29, 2016

If SNAP were real, so much would have been different

If SNAP were real, there would have been events all over the country to coincide with release of the film Spotlight.

Gotta hand it to SNAP, their scheme was unique and it worked. When I talk to mainstream Americans, I find that no one knows what happened with the pedophile priests except for the people involved in the crisis.  SNAP managed to control release of the story as it broke from one city to another and, looking back on it, whatever CIA type spook who came up with this plan, it’s creative, it’s information management right out of what people think NASA does but it doesn't

One extremely effective technique used by Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests was, in every city, gathering all the contact information and keeping it from anyone else in the group.  .
Wherever the story broke about pedophile priests, from 2002 to today, SNAP would show up, traveling all over the world on short notice. 
What I witnessed was, SNAP flew in, became “in charge” of whatever media events were taking place, SNAP got all the media contact information from that new area where the story was breaking. SNAP also got all the contact information of new survivors. 
Then SNAP would fly away and take all the contact information with them. 
After a few years, SNAP became the organization every news person called. It was always a new reporter who did not realize the SNAP spokesperson was saying the exact same phrases they'd been saying for ten years, and nothing more. 
Even the local regional SNAP leaders were not given access to media and new survivor information, Blaine Clohessy and Dorris kept all that.
And never shared it.
As a result SNAP sent out all the press releases even if it was about a local story or media event. And they were really awful press releases with incorrect information and wrong addresses, times off by a few hours, etcetera, really bizarre.
As a result when a major event such as the release of the film Spotlight took place, the local SNAP leaders did not have press or local survivor contact information, it was all up to national SNAP to run any kind of campaign.
And SNAP did nothing.
SNAP was poised, with local branches in something like ninety cities around the country. And they did nothing. 
The biggest most obvious proof that SNAP is not really a survivor organization working for survivors, but is really working for someone else, is the lack of response to the film Spotlight.  
There should have used those local SNAP branches to hold press conferences and media events events in every one of those cities to coincide with the opening of Spotllight.
Instead the only public event for survivors connected to the film was Barbara Blaine smiling at the cameras on Oscar night from a cafĂ© around the corner from the Kodak Theater. 
The scam that is SNAP is, to me, the biggest part of the pedophile priest story, because SNAP prevented the story from breaking the way it would, without their damage control.
Now all those pervert priests are still in communities around the world, all the bishops who enabled them and profited from covering up their crimes are continuing to run what can’t be a legitimate religion as long as they are in charge. This is fraud at an extremely high level. 
Somewhere in David Clohessy’s basement in St. Louis is the truth about all this, although by now any evidence is probably hidden pretty well.  But ask any victim who used to be active with SNAP and then quit (there are thousands of us by now). We know the truth, but reporters, on tight time and cash budgets, always seem to go to no one but SNAP and the people SNAP sends them to, usually a newcomer who has not yet figured out the scam, to ask questions. 
That Is Not Journalism. 
Since American reporters don’t have beats, since the powerful own the media today- reporters just report what is said at press conferences, no one has the resources to dig into this part of the story. 

They got away with it.

The Catholic Church got away with thousands of pedophile priests raping hundreds of thousands of children MAINLY because the crime victims / "survivors" were not able to organize and conduct any kind of realistic advocacy to publicize our stories, because SNAP stood in the way in every city where the story broke.
They were working for the church all along.


If SNAP were real, this blog would have been incorporated, along with blogs by other survivors, into a network of information. There are hundreds of things SNAP could have been doing past twenty years, and all they did was suck up contact information while putting three or four people in the news, then disappear. 
We got screwed by a priest as a kid, by the church when we tried to get help, then by our own "support group" who just showed up in the middle of an already developing movement and took it over. 
Damage control 

POST NOTE: Since the first few scenes of Spotlight are full of "product placement" for SNAP in lines of dialogue mentioning the group, I wonder if the producers were expecting SNAP to produce events to help publicize the film, using SNAP's national resources. I'd love to know the true story of what happened there. 


If nothing else, silence around Spotlight was a Blatant Missed Opportunity for survivors to get out our stories to a much larger audience. 

But Blaine did tweet and retweet through the Oscars . . . to people who are already onboard. No one else hears about the advocacy but the other advocates.  It would be a study in Communications Control to see how they kept the survivor movement so insular.


Posted by Kay Ebeling
Producer City of Angels Blog since 2007
responding to nudges from angels still today


Friday, August 26, 2016

Judge got it right, just for wrong reason

I laughed out loud when I read this sentence in the judgment against SNAP yesterday

 "At no time have the SNAP defendants attempted to address their purported confidentiality concerns through other means beyond their repeated assertions of a nonexistent privilege," 

I laughed because "repeated assertions of nonexistent privilege" is all that SNAP is. For decades SNAP has been nothing more than the sentences they say in the news. There is NEVER anything more there. Survivors who've been trying to get past the obstruction that is SNAP to Prosecute the Bishops have known this for decades.

The people who run SNAP just showed up and superimposed themselves on a nascent victims' rights movement, and had all the resources they needed to take over. By the time survivors realized what SNAP was doing in their town, the damage had already been done. There Is No Survivor Movement Because of SNAP.  

Quote is from this story at Courthouse News Service in St. Louis


SNAP gives Survivors a Bad Name - once again

As if they are self destructing, now that damage control over the pedophile priest crisis is no longer needed, SNAP screws up royally once again: 
Judge sanctions advocacy group in Missouri clergy abuse suit
A federal judge has admonished an advocacy group for clergy abuse victims ... Xiu Hui “Joseph” Jiang the information the group deems confidential.
the end result is all survivors are put in this bad light. Once again, SNAP chooses to publicize a case that has no foundation, ignoring about 99,000 other cases that cry for public exposure, and ends up with horrible press, sanctioned by the Courts, and None of Us had anything to do with it. 
Still the result is all of us lose credibility
Gotta hand it to them, for counter intelligence- a support group to the public while defeating survivors behind the scenes- the people who run SNAP are really good at what they do


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Cardinal Pell 2014 testimony is still here to watch

Kay Ebeling shared a memory.
2 mins
Hey John Brown remember this!?!?
The only place on Earth to watch last week's testimony in royal commission hearings is on John Brown's YouTube channel, embedded at City of Angels Blog, including footage of Cardinal Pell comparing the Catholic Church to a trucking company. Just want to make sure people realize, the Commission is not broadcasting these vids, nor is CNN. John Brown is doing this from his garage, I'm doing this from my one-room apartment. We are not a nonprofit creating jobs for ourselves while we control release of information. We are releasing it.…/video-australia-royal-…
Copyright by my statement Comments have to be emailed to to be…
Posted by Kay Ebeling
Producer, City of Angels Blog
Not Just L.A., the city of angels is everywhere

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It Ain't Over

the survivor movement may have fizzled away with last year's Oscars but God Is Still Really Pissed about the pedophile priests, so this ain't the end of the story.