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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Vatican Wide Open to Trump but pedo-priest victim can't get past front door

Interesting. Trump is about to get a special tour of The Vatican including St. Peter's Cathedral. I'm one of the pedophile priest victims and have not been able to even walk into a church for years without getting a knife-life stomach ache. Interesting that someone like Trump can rally right into the place...

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Priest w AIDS raped 30 girls and "forgiven" by Church

Wonder what happened to the 30 girls:
this is the kind of stuff Catholic Church covered up last few years, using same tactics of deflection and disinformation that Russia is using now to keep Americans from finding out truth. I often wonder if some major international PR firm ran both projects...

Dan Ward shared a link to Pete Saracino's Timeline.
5 hrs

Catholic Church absolved priest after who faces no criminal charges for raping young girls under 10 - A Catholic Priest has been acquitted by the church after…

Posted by Kay
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