( Click here for dozens of True Crime stories about Pedophile Priests published at City of Angels Blog beginning in Jan 2007. )
Mainstream media has barely reported the story of pedophile priests so the stories of hundreds of thousands of children abused by ten thousand Catholic priests in recent history have not yet been told.
There are patterns of crime and coverup that an in depth look at cases in each city would highlight. The same patterns of criminal behavior took place in every archdiocese in the world, and a true crime video series, for release on the internet or cable TV, based on reports at City of Angels Blog would bring to light these patterns of crime all over the world.
After interviewing hundreds of pedophile priest victims for this blog since January 2007, I know we could produce original episodes for years about these crimes, and never run out of new material. So far these thousands of sex crimes against children committed by Catholic priests have had very shallow coverage in mainstream media. Here is a sampling of stories I published at City of Angels Blog in recent years, that lend themselves to true crime series coverage:
Best source of Background Material:
At Bishop Accountability Dot Org is a database with every perpetrator priest in the USA, with links to every article written about that priest, plus in other places on the site are documents from several archdioceses and just about every news article published anywhere about these crimes. All this research material is there for us to use to attribute every story, free of charge. City of Angels Blog ran this story about their research:
From Boston: First Posted at City of Angels January 16, 2010:*6000 is number of Pedophile Priests in U.S. Catholic Church since 1950. Found so far. And still counting "This year the number will go over 6,000," Terry McKiernan, president of Bishop Accountability in Boston, emailed me early this month. After we posted “The Public Has a Right to Know how Six Thousand Priests Got Away with Pedophilia” Jan. 2, people
These true crime videos would include fascinating locations for B-Roll, Compelling interviews and OTFs. The crimes took place on Catholic Church grounds in sacristies, confessionals, rectories, at campgrounds, on acreage still owned by Archdiocese corporations, there are documents that are yet to be discovered.
The priests used Sacraments of the Church as well as lavish trips to get to children. This was an epidemic of perversion and Today there are thousands of adult victims of pedophile priests all over the country stunned at the way the Church has managed news coverage of these crimes. City of Angels Blog and your production company could end a great injustice by producing and / or web-casting this true crime video series.
The priests used Sacraments of the Church as well as lavish trips to get to children. This was an epidemic of perversion and Today there are thousands of adult victims of pedophile priests all over the country stunned at the way the Church has managed news coverage of these crimes. City of Angels Blog and your production company could end a great injustice by producing and / or web-casting this true crime video series.
{For Story Samples Click Here to read a complete collection)
Close to seven thousand
Catholic priest perpetrators have been identified so far from the United States, with valid enough accusations for them to be included in the bishopaccountability database. These priests
preyed on families in parishes all over the country from at least 1940 to the present,
and they left behind tens of thousands of crime victims, many of us damaged
Many of us pedophile priest victims never made it to adulthood.
As I started doing City of Angels Blog, I realized the criminal behavior of pedophile priests and the bishops who enabled their crimes was eerily similar in city after city. Hierarchy figures in the Catholic church across the country have destroyed documents, obstructed justice, and lied under oath, to prevent the public from finding out the entire story.
There are enough stories about the epidemic of pedophilia in the Catholic priesthood and its effects on American society in city after city across the country to keep true crime series producers in new material for the next thirty years.
The real felons, the bishops and other hierarchy who allowed serial sex crimes against children to take place in their parishes, still run archdioceses all over the world, and still hold influential positions all the way up to the Vatican. They dictate public policy on sexual morality issues when they themselves are guilty of covering up one of the worst child molestation eras in history. Only a handful of the perpetrator priests, and as of 2012 one monsignor from Philadelphia, have seen prison time.
If there was ever a topic that needs the internet and webcast and non mainstream cable formats to get out its truth, it's the story of pedophile priest crimes in the Catholic Church.
There are tens of thousands of victims of pedophile priests alive in the United States today, a few of them have experienced a modicum of justice in the form of cash, but settlements with the Catholic Church have been paid to only a fraction of the survivors. A good 85 percent of us get no cash settlements because our cases are outside statutes of limitations, and the church only resolves cases when required to by civil law.
Meantime, we watch mainstream media misreport the story, and wonder if the total extent of the crimes will ever really be told. We watch corporate media print a few headlines, then go on acting as if nothing happened, quoting the Church as an authority on American sexual politics, in most cases printing and broadcasting whatever the Church wants released with no investigation.
Personal re: KAY
of City of Angels Blog
of City of Angels Blog
In January
2007, I began attending pretrial hearings in Los Angeles as some 700 child
molestation lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Church began their way through
the Superior Court system. I was a
victim whose case took place in another state, and I went to the hearings at
first to try to find other survivors.
In L.A. Superior Court I
found teams of corporate lawyers working for Cardinal Roger Mahony and the Los
Angeles Archdiocese, performing astounding abuse of the justice system, abuse
that continues today in new lawsuits.
The shenanigans in the Courtroom was going completely unreported.
City of
Angels Blog became the lone source of reporting on the L.A. Clergy Cases that settled in late 2007 with a $660 million payout to 510 victims, with dozens more cases resolved in the previous and ensuing years. .
For the first time in
human history we can prove that close to ten thousand pedophile priests acted as if access to children for
sex was an entitlement, knowing the commission of these crimes would be quietly
protected by their monsignors and bishops.
The rest of this story needs to be told.
-Kay Ebeling
You can financially support this endeavor to get my blog made into a True Crime Series. Click the PayPal links in the left hand column of this website to help keep City of Angels Blog in operation.

Photo at left: John Wojnowski in his near fifteen-year-long demonstration in front of Vatican Embassy in Washington D.C.
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