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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday surmise:

Soon after pedophilia was found in the Catholic Church on an epidemic scale then covered up like a Mafia crisis, the U.S. government became dominated by politicians who are enthusiastic Catholics. Hmm.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Calling Joe Biden a pedophile for kissing a child DIMINISHES the real crime of child rape, which has produced thousands of victims now adults struggling to survive.  It is Never Okay to shout Pedophile in a crowd:

It is not okay to shout 'Pedophile' in a crowd

Thing is, months later, I'm still repeating to myself things I should have said to the jerk shouting "Democrats are pedophiles" on the bus. I'd tell him, "Pedophilia is a serious crime, people who are victims live with repercussions the rest of our lives, last thing we want is

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Trump and Catholic bishops display same Evil

One other time in my life I encountered evil like I see every time Trump speaks. Last night his claim that Democrats are using covid to steal the election, knowing he's really using covid to engineer, to me, a genocide of Americans- watching that made me quiver and have the same revolting shaking reaction I had that other time I encountered shocking evil. It was while writing the pedophile priest stories, realizing the person I was talking to was not really a victims' advocate but was really working for the church. I can't go into detail the words that gave him away, it was more a compilation in my head of what he'd done compared to what he was saying to me, knowing the opposite was true, then getting a glimmer of who benefits from this lie. In the case of USA it's death of more Americans, exactly what Putin and the Prince have worked to accomplish with Trump as their tool. In the case of the church, it was using vulnerable people's vulnerabilities to make them think you're helping them when you're really doing subterfuge for the bishops. The base humanity was the same, an evil that to me is worse than murder or robbery or most felonies, an evil that transcends basic human instinct, all done just to benefit an even more evil presence that stays secretly in the shadows.