yes, women today bring their pre-teen daughters along to twerk exercise class and see nothing wrong with it. Weird time to be alive.
(Click here to read episodes in Pedophile Priest True Crime Series or My Story at CofA15 or Boulevard and Chill Hippie Blogs)
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
After the second time I assaulted Cardinal Mahony on the street, a judge had me live in a shelter for wayward women instead of a prison sentence. At that East Hollywood kitchen table, I had the moment of recognition: I have a perfect excuse to kill somebody. Fiction coming soon at CofA Fiction
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Abuse Not Only Sexual at Madonna Manor Catholic Boys Home (Ted 4 Part 1)
Parallel Hells Continued
“Earlier in day the nun was beating me, now she has me suckle on her breast. I heard them killing a kid once. Just some of the things I'm dealing with in therapy.”
Seeing stories in the news today about Irish orphanages where sex was only part of the abuse children experienced, I knew it was time to publish Ted 4 (Ted 1 is here and Ted 2 is here ), since the theme of the Parallel Hells series is the similarities in pedophile priest crimes and coverups around the world. I have not been able to complete Ted 3, which will be of the R Rated site and include details of sodomy rape by a priest in a confessional. To be honest, I can’t even open that Word file and work on it lately, so the project has been stalled, until I saw recent news reports from Ireland.
I’d run and hide on the property
My dad was a politician in Chicago.* He was on stage at one time with the original Mayor Daly.
It wasn’t just me it was other kids too, she just seemed choose them at random.
* Obituary of Ted's dad's wife:
“Earlier in day the nun was beating me, now she has me suckle on her breast. I heard them killing a kid once. Just some of the things I'm dealing with in therapy.”
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Madonna Manor |
The interview is a firsthand account of the nightmare of life for young boys in Madonna Manor children’s home run by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans in the 1960s and 70s. Based on interviews with Ted Lausche Summer 2012 in Chicago, here is Ted 4, in Ted’s own words:
I heard them killing a kid once.
We’d seen other kids get killed too. You just didn't talk about it. One kid got thrown under a giant tractor they used to cut the lawn.
It was terrible, then we never saw the kid again. Nobody ever came around to explain. It was just like, everybody knew.
You could be next.
We were out on the field playing soccer. H told us to move because he was going to start cutting the grass. There were about 13 of us, and we said fuck you, we're going to finish our game.
H went by on his mower, and this kid. . .
He was a big kid, a large kid, older kid. H was mad because we hadn’t moved.
It was a really hot summer day, August, a swamp area, five miles from New Orleans if you fly across river, in Marrero a suburb near Algiers. Back then we were the only thing out there, with just a two lane both ways.
I Was Laying In The Tall Grass Next To A Hand Sticking Out Of The Ground. It had been eaten, dry skeleton like.
I Was Laying In The Tall Grass Next To A Hand Sticking Out Of The Ground. It had been eaten, dry skeleton like.
I’d run and hide on the property
Other kids would run and right away try to get to New Orleans. When I’d run away, I’d go hide somewhere on the property. As a result I saw places where bodies buried.
The fog was thick and I lay in the tall grass.
That's when I ended up lying in the tall grass next to a hand sticking out of the ground. It had been eaten, was dry skeleton like.
My dad was a politician in Chicago.* He was on stage at one time with the original Mayor Daly.
My mom never married my dad.
When I was a baby, maybe three years old, she put me in a taxi cab, I remember it, her and cab driver arguing. We get to a bar, Figaro’s, a Mafia outlet. Dad wasn’t there though. He should have been, because he was running whore house activity.
His name was Theodore Paul Lausch.*
When she had me, she still had her maiden name. She decided for the birth certificate, his Lausch too guttural but by adding the E on the end it became Lausche.
Pronounced Laushay
Made the name sound French.
It was the 1950s, she was a single mom with a kid. She went to work as, well, as a dancer.
(One time Ted did meet his father in a hotel room.)
He bought me this weird ass toy, a yellow dump truck. He was laying on the couch, he was fifty something, still in great shape.
Mom moved us to New Orleans. She got busted for whoring, got 30 days, and didn't tell the cops she had a kid at home in the apartment. She just left me, that's how I ended up in an orphanage.
The apartment where I’d been for days with no food was right downtown New Orleans, two blocks from the police station. After I’d been there for days with no food, I walked out and sat next to a fire hydrant, and a cop car pulled up.
At the police station they pushed two giant chairs together under a slow moving fan, that's where I spent the night. They brought me sandwiches. I was outside the drunk tank in a little cell.
Here’s How The Book Should Start. Imagine a world where the only touch is violence.
Soon after I arrived at the orphanage, I was still new and f---ing scared out of my mind. As soon as I walked in, when the social worker walked away this little tiny nun came around, she was about two inches bigger than me, all covered in black, all you saw were her hands and shoes.
She says, “You're going to love it here,” and got me an ice cream cone. I'm thinking this is paradise. Then the social worker walks away. The ice cream cone flies into the garbage, the nun grabs me by the ear.
She jerked me down to the floor, slapped my face into the tile and said, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know between here and your dormitory. Then through two dining rooms and a courtyard, believe me she did. She dragged me by my ear when I couldn't keep up, slapped me half a dozen times.
But she did not swear. That would be sinful.
Sure I remember her name.
It's Sister Mary Omar.
She was about four foot six and was head at the time of Holy Sisters of Notre Dame out of Texas.
There were about 500 kids at the orphanage, along with some deaf girls also on the property.
I was there maybe a week, still feeling my way. There were unwritten rules about everything. You were regularly beaten, everybody got punished, then afterwards everybody would beat everybody else up.
You slept two to a bed. I'm laying on the floor, a kid kicked me onto the floor.
The strongest survive.
From the floor I hear a kid on a bed crying, see another kid is eating his sheets.
Earlier In Day She Was Beating Me. Now she has me suckle on her breast.
(Cut to R-Rated excerpt )
It wasn’t just me it was other kids too, she just seemed choose them at random.
The nuns at Madonna Manor must have been the lowest of the low, and this had been going on for a long time.
And we went to Mass twice a day, three times on Sunday.
Everything we got was donated from the community. When I got out of Madonna Manor, I wanted to go see each charity in the community and tell them, they should find out where their money goes.
I tried.
Betty J. Hall, nee Lausch, age 84, beloved wife for 65 years to Theodore R. "Ted"; loving mother of ... Funeral Service 7 p.m. at Colonial Chapel,
Published in Chicago Tribune on Oct. 29, 2008 - See more at:
Posted by Kay Ebeling
The City of Angels Is Everywhere
Foraging for Food at Madonna Manor Boys Home (Ted 4 part 2)
Parallel Hells, Continued
Oh man, after the priest raped me, then I got smart.
The nuns had meat every day. They fed us beans and rice, every f---ing day of my life there I ate beans and rice. I can’t even be in the same room with black eye peas to this day or be around that stench from when they soak beans.
I was about eight years old when I realized there were ways to break the rules, I saw other kids do it, I was so f---ing hungry and so f---ing tired. I knew if I just got something to eat, I could sleep good. I hadn’t slept and was getting psychotic, getting two-three hours of sleep and on top of that being starved.
I finally got brave. I went down this long hallway with a door on each end. I had to get by the nuns’ bedrooms to get to the kitchen. I tried several times several nights and finally I made it.
I had made friends with a dog who used to sleep on the porch. One night listening to the dog’s stomach growl, it was like, we're all in the same boat here.
I had made friends with a dog who used to sleep on the porch. One night listening to the dog’s stomach growl, it was like, we're all in the same boat here.
Lying there one night, I thought I had two choices. I was starting to tear off corners of paper to eat, some kids were paint eaters, they're probably dead. I started eating paper at night, the kid down from me was eating his sheet.
I waited for Sister to get by on her rounds and back to her dormitory, a lot of times they were sneaky-
I waited for her. I crawled along the floor, I didn't know if the other kids were sleeping. Once we went to bed most kids fell asleep, a lot of them cried themselves to sleep, some rocked constantly back and forth, so there was always enough noise.
So I'm crawling along the corners, far away from them as I can get at this slow pace, I get over by the door. I keep expecting sister to come back.
I close the door and I'm lost.
What was I thinking.
I don't know how far it is down the stairs, there’s this hallway with eight or nine doors all of them nuns’ private quarters. A light comes on in one of them.
I Froze. I stayed there forever, then went back to my sleeping area. Every time I’d try to go to the kitchen, I’d hear somebody. I’d stand there and stand there, get tired so sneak back to bed.
Probably did that for a week getting a little further each time.
I’d get comfortable with sounds I heard in the nuns’ apartments.
What made me decide to do something was I had made friends with a dog who used to sleep on the porch. One night listening to the dog’s stomach growl, it was like, we're all in the same boat here. Couple days later I thought I know where the kitchen is. I'm going to go for it.
I decided I'm just going to do it, not going to wait, If I got caught fuck it, because I was hungry. There was a certain thrill to it, later on. I felt like a super hero the first time he fights crime.
I got to the top of a stairway that I never got to before. d
There was a bright light in the kitchen area.
I wasn’t even creeping along the wall this time. I walked the hall like I belonged there, walked down the stairs, wondering how I’d get back, what have I done. At the bottom of the stairs, the kitchen is dark.
I know where the freezers are, and that's actually where I was headed for the meat. But then I opened a drawer and saw these bags of potato chips, whatever that Southern brand is.
Right there I ate the whole bag.
It was the first time I ever ate potato chips and I couldn't stop, to this day, I love potato chips.
I was so full, and my mouth was on fire. Oh my god next morning my mouth was just caked from all that salt. I got sick actually later, but loved it while I ate that whole bag, then tried to clean up.
I wasn’t the only one who stole food.
Later I’d find other kids down there but we weren't organized. You’d come to these conclusions of how to get food on your own. We were so fragmented, most of the time at each other’s throats.
I got caught one time, the time with the potato chips, and I got reamed, that might have been where I got one of the concussions.
Sister Martin Marie, about five-five, the one with the free weights.
She would punch you, and one time she knocked a tooth out.
She did that the first time I reported the sex abuse at age thirteen
When I Got Older I Worked In The Kitchen.
You’d serve them these plates of steaming vegetables and cooked meat
Then we were getting bologna on bread, whatever was donated. The nuns had a full kitchen. They had a budget to pay for their food. We were dependent on charity.
If we got some kind of meat, it was a piece of sausage maybe in the grits. Oh I knew how to get into the kitchen, thing is they walked rounds every couple hours.
We had lots of vegetables because we had a working farm, so at least we always had fresh vegetables.
They’d serve enough food for two people divided up among five people and the bad-ass got the most.
A lot of the nuns at the orphanage were lesbians. They lived there, it was staffed by nuns, a couple were real butch dykes, one with a free-weight lifting set in her room.
I engaged in threesomes with the other nuns, girls nineteen years old, I was thirteen, oh God, I don't know how many times.
(Ted has been married five times with so many serial monogamous relationships in his life, he cannot count. In our summer 2014 conversation he was talking off phone to his current fiancee. Read more on the residual effects of clergy sex abuse on children when they become adults in future stories at City of Angels Blog. )
(Ted has been married five times with so many serial monogamous relationships in his life, he cannot count. In our summer 2014 conversation he was talking off phone to his current fiancee. Read more on the residual effects of clergy sex abuse on children when they become adults in future stories at City of Angels Blog. )
Posted by Kay Ebeling
The City of Angels Is Everywhere
Irish Catholic Boys Home Notes
Background for Ted 4
October 6, 2014
October 6, 2014
Abuse began 'day after' boy arrived at Down home
RTE News
Alleged victims of sex abuse at a children's home run by the Catholic De La Salle Brothers in Northern Ireland have begun giving evidence at a public inquiry.
This part of the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry is focusing on the former De La Salle Boys Home at Rubane House in Kircubbin in Co Down.
Last week, a lawyer for the inquiry claimed that around one fifth of the 1,000 boys who stayed at Rubane between 1951 and 1985 had suffered sexual or physical abuse.
A 77-year-old man, who was a resident in Rubane as a teenager in the 1950s, told the inquiry he was abused by one of the brothers the day after he arrived at the home.
He claimed he was interfered with while having a shower and while in bed in the dormitory.
The man alleged that some of the abuse was done very craftily under the guise of horseplay.
RTE News
Alleged victims of sex abuse at a children's home run by the Catholic De La Salle Brothers in Northern Ireland have begun giving evidence at a public inquiry.
This part of the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry is focusing on the former De La Salle Boys Home at Rubane House in Kircubbin in Co Down.
Last week, a lawyer for the inquiry claimed that around one fifth of the 1,000 boys who stayed at Rubane between 1951 and 1985 had suffered sexual or physical abuse.
A 77-year-old man, who was a resident in Rubane as a teenager in the 1950s, told the inquiry he was abused by one of the brothers the day after he arrived at the home.
He claimed he was interfered with while having a shower and while in bed in the dormitory.
The man alleged that some of the abuse was done very craftily under the guise of horseplay.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:22 AM
Co Down boys’ home was ‘hell on earth’, says former resident
Irish Times
Gerry Moriarty
Mon, Oct 6, 2014
A 77-year-old Co Tyrone man has described as a “hell hole” and “hell on earth” the De La Salle Rubane House boys’ care home in Kircubbin, Co Down, where he spent two years as a teenager in the early 1950s.
The witness, who asked to remain anonymous, said he was one of the first boys to enter the new care home in 1951 and that right from the start he suffered abuse.
“I don’t remember the good times because I had so many bad times,” he told the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry in Banbridge, Co Down, today.
Although the witness had a happy childhood in Australia, she said feelings of “abandonment and isolation came to the surface” when she got engaged.Witness suffered feelings of ‘abandonment and isolation’
His step-brother, now aged 70, who spent almost two years in the home from August 1958, also told the inquiry that he was locked in a special pen for cattle, which he described as a “cattle crusher”, and then raped by one of the brothers.
The inquiry is investigating alleged child abuse at total of 13 Northern Ireland institutions from 1922 to 1995.
Irish Times
Gerry Moriarty
Mon, Oct 6, 2014
A 77-year-old Co Tyrone man has described as a “hell hole” and “hell on earth” the De La Salle Rubane House boys’ care home in Kircubbin, Co Down, where he spent two years as a teenager in the early 1950s.
The witness, who asked to remain anonymous, said he was one of the first boys to enter the new care home in 1951 and that right from the start he suffered abuse.
“I don’t remember the good times because I had so many bad times,” he told the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry in Banbridge, Co Down, today.
Although the witness had a happy childhood in Australia, she said feelings of “abandonment and isolation came to the surface” when she got engaged.Witness suffered feelings of ‘abandonment and isolation’
His step-brother, now aged 70, who spent almost two years in the home from August 1958, also told the inquiry that he was locked in a special pen for cattle, which he described as a “cattle crusher”, and then raped by one of the brothers.
The inquiry is investigating alleged child abuse at total of 13 Northern Ireland institutions from 1922 to 1995.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:15 AM
Some abuse allegations 'inaccurate'
Belfast Telegraph
06 OCTOBER 2014
A religious order under scrutiny at a historic abuse inquiry has said some of the allegations were inaccurate.
A lawyer for the De La Salle congregation of brothers said it had apologised and paid compensation where it accepted that wrongdoing took place.
Kevin Rooney QC challenged some of the evidence due to be given to the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry.
He said: "There are allegations which lawyers say are inaccurate, unreliable, possibly untruthful."
He said the order sought to protect the reputation, integrity and character of those brothers whom it said did not abuse.
"The apology is also based on the civil claims that have been brought against the order, they have paid deserved compensation to those applicants who they accept have been abused."
Belfast Telegraph
06 OCTOBER 2014
A religious order under scrutiny at a historic abuse inquiry has said some of the allegations were inaccurate.
A lawyer for the De La Salle congregation of brothers said it had apologised and paid compensation where it accepted that wrongdoing took place.
Kevin Rooney QC challenged some of the evidence due to be given to the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry.
He said: "There are allegations which lawyers say are inaccurate, unreliable, possibly untruthful."
He said the order sought to protect the reputation, integrity and character of those brothers whom it said did not abuse.
"The apology is also based on the civil claims that have been brought against the order, they have paid deserved compensation to those applicants who they accept have been abused."
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:13 AM
Boy 'abused just one day after arriving at children's home in Northern Ireland'
Belfast Telegraph
One of the first boys to enter a children's home in Northern Ireland has said he was abused by a religious brother the day after he arrived.
He claimed he was interfered with while having a shower at Rubane House, Co Down, in 1951, under the guise of "horse play".
Once he went missing, he told a public inquiry, was brought home by police, beaten by members of the Catholic order which ran the home and had his hair shaved off in what he claimed was an act of humiliation.
He said: "It was just hell on earth."
The witness's evidence was that the abuse started the day after he arrived at Rubane and left him feeling extremely uncomfortable. He criticised some of the brothers.
"They did come into the dorms. It did not appear that they came in to check if someone wanted to go to the toilet, it was always something of a sexual nature."
Belfast Telegraph
One of the first boys to enter a children's home in Northern Ireland has said he was abused by a religious brother the day after he arrived.
He claimed he was interfered with while having a shower at Rubane House, Co Down, in 1951, under the guise of "horse play".
Once he went missing, he told a public inquiry, was brought home by police, beaten by members of the Catholic order which ran the home and had his hair shaved off in what he claimed was an act of humiliation.
He said: "It was just hell on earth."
The witness's evidence was that the abuse started the day after he arrived at Rubane and left him feeling extremely uncomfortable. He criticised some of the brothers.
"They did come into the dorms. It did not appear that they came in to check if someone wanted to go to the toilet, it was always something of a sexual nature."
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:11 AM
Inquiry hears of child rape claims
Yahoo! News
Press Association
A man who claims he was raped using a piece of equipment for restraining farm animals has given evidence to a child abuse inquiry in Northern Ireland.
When he reported the cattle crush assault to a priest he was beaten and locked in a cupboard overnight, the witness told the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry.
The victim was a resident at Rubane House, which is the subject of a government-ordered investigation into claims of historic physical and sexual attacks on boys.
It was run by the Catholic De La Salle order of brothers.
Allegations of bestiality and children going missing were also made by witnesses.
One said: "It was just hell on earth."
Yahoo! News
Press Association
A man who claims he was raped using a piece of equipment for restraining farm animals has given evidence to a child abuse inquiry in Northern Ireland.
When he reported the cattle crush assault to a priest he was beaten and locked in a cupboard overnight, the witness told the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry.
The victim was a resident at Rubane House, which is the subject of a government-ordered investigation into claims of historic physical and sexual attacks on boys.
It was run by the Catholic De La Salle order of brothers.
Allegations of bestiality and children going missing were also made by witnesses.
One said: "It was just hell on earth."
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:09 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2014
WTF am I doing here?
Now I've ended up in the Mojave Desert hiding from bad guys. I'm one of their hundred thousand or so crime victims. Being the snub nosed
journalist I am, I didn't file a civil lawsuit against the Chicago Archdiocese in time and get cash so I could get on
with my life, I had to stay in L.A. and start a blog . I was a
naïve ex flower child who thought I could report crimes of pedophile priests and the bishops who aided and abetted them, plus how they ran damage control over the survivors, and not get any retaliation.
I was wrong.
I was wrong.
Love this Irish headline
ALSO in the news today
More of the story that never goes away
Thanks to Kathy Shaw producer of Abuse Tracker and Bishop Accountability for maintaining the database
Love this Irish headline
Vile Christian Brother admits groping 10-year-old boys' privates as they sat in classroom
Irish Mirror
Oct 01, 2014 By Brian McDonald
A vile Christian Brother sexually abused boys as young as ten as they sat in class, a court heard yesterday.
The shocking details of the sex assaults on the boys at a national school in the midlands were revealed to Mullingar Circuit Court sitting in Tullamore.
Irish Mirror
Oct 01, 2014 By Brian McDonald
A vile Christian Brother sexually abused boys as young as ten as they sat in class, a court heard yesterday.
The shocking details of the sex assaults on the boys at a national school in the midlands were revealed to Mullingar Circuit Court sitting in Tullamore.
ALSO in the news today
Diocese knew about abuse by KC priest but did nothing, witnesses tell jury
The Kansas City Star
A well-known public relations consultant, a Catholic nun and a former school board vice president told a Jackson County jury Wednesday that they had reported sexual abuse concerns involving Monsignor Thomas O’Brien to the diocese over a span of decades, but nothing was ever done.
The Kansas City Star
A well-known public relations consultant, a Catholic nun and a former school board vice president told a Jackson County jury Wednesday that they had reported sexual abuse concerns involving Monsignor Thomas O’Brien to the diocese over a span of decades, but nothing was ever done.
More of the story that never goes away
Thanks to Kathy Shaw producer of Abuse Tracker and Bishop Accountability for maintaining the database
More to this story
In the midst of the pedophile priest lawsuits and rigamarole, has anyone cared about what happens to people when their entire religious construct comes out from under them? When everything they believe in is proved false but everyone else in the world seems to still believe it? I mean, this story is not over.

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