It's my job. I'm working on press kit for The Two Popes now, where great actors and production crews pay homage and deliver lustful adoration to the Vatican...
The whitewash continues. Harvey Weinstein gets more shocked outraged news coverage than 10,000 pedophile priests in the US media bk, you know, chicks...
I am very incorrect politically but I think Ronan Farrow is no journalist, and adult women in Hollywood who think they are not going to get sexually approached while working in films should move to Des Moines. Female producers harass men and young women too. It's called Sexual Attraction between attractive people. Adults.
More than six thousand priests raped Hundreds of Thousands of CHILDREN and I do not remember anyone in the press being as angry as they are now about Harvey Weinstein.
Plus: The Two Popes starring Anthony Hopkins as Benedict is coming soon to Netflix.
So I'll know more about the upcoming papal internet series than I'll want to know, tonight I'm working on interview with a set designer, a guy with an Italian accent who sounds like he's Praying out and Calling to God as he answers design questions. For a TV show.